© 2015 / All rights reserved; Aktualisiert Jänner 2025
I am suffering from coeliac disease and therefore because of medical reasons I am not allowed to eat any foods which contain gluten-containing cereals or products of these. This means: No products from wheat, rye, barley, spelt, kamut and oats as well as products of these like flour, semolina, breadcrumbs, bread, pastry, noodles, dumplings, sauces, cakes, wafers etc.
Are there any dishes on your menu which are suitable for me or can you prepare a meal without above mentioned foods e.g. to use maizestarch or potatoflour for the sauce and to prepare the meat, the fish or vegetables without flour or breadcrumbs?
Tel.: +43 (0) 7412 52678
Fax.: +43 (0) 7412 52678
Mobil:+43 (0) 664 4855324
Mail: michi.krenn@aon.at
W.-Küche:11:30 - 14:00 & 17:30 - 20:00; So. - 19:00 Uhr;
Mai-September: Sonntag ab 20:00 geschlossen; Montag - Mittwoch Ruhetag;
November-April: Montag - Mittwoch Ruhetag;